… I manage my meetings / reviews digitally
Team leader: „We have a lot of meetings via teams, Skype or other web tools – unfortunately, the agreements don’t remain in focus, many measures are not followed through to the end.“
A practical example from the development field:
We also use web tools for direct communication in meetings. With DRSM DC for Meetings, we can ascertain, even as we plan the agenda, who is actively participating and who should be able to see which results. We record agreements online and define measures while the web meeting is still taking place. Then nothing needs to be “sent” – all information is already there in real-time where it is needed.
… and the good thing about it: Not only are the meeting participants informed about the meeting and the resulting agreements in real-time, but the managers of the meeting participants and everyone who has been defined as the “observer” of a meeting. Everyone involved knows who has to do what and which resources are necessary for this.
Meetings can then only be ended when the last measure from the meeting has been dealt with and evaluated.
Development manager: „With DRSM DC Meeting, nothing gets lost anymore and we don’t discuss things twice, three times or even more.“
Entwicklungsleiterin: „Mit DRSM DC Meeting geht nichts mehr verloren und wir besprechen die Dinge nicht 2, 3 oder noch mehr Male.“
P.S.: „We can easily assign measures from meetings to ongoing projects or key figures. Then the measures end up where they belong – this was only possible at „team meetings“ with a lot of subsequent effort and a lot of discipline.“