… training measures are planned on the basis of competences
Managing director: „Personnel development – yes, that sounds good, but I’ve always found it difficult in the past … and the personnel department wasn’t a lot of help either.”
A practical example from a production company:
Have you ever consciously used an employee appraisal to reflect on the skills of your employees? A good management system knows which employee is active in which role in which processes. This is standard in the process management tool of our partner iGrafx®.
P.S.: This enables us to create job descriptions digitally and automatically at the push of a button. In the context of the activities of a role in a process area or field of responsibility, we have recorded specialist and personality competencies as the target competence of a role. If a specialist competence is required in several roles, we speak of general specialist competence (e.g. knowledge of English or a general university degree). If a technical competence is only required in one role, then this is a specific technical competence.
With DRSM DC for Competencies, competency catalogues are created that can be expanded or changed at any time.
Production manager: “The good thing is that we can determine for ourselves how high the level of a certain competence should be.
… and we were able to reflect on the activities and roles of the specific employee during the actual employee appraisal and work out what training was necessary together.”
Further training measures are of course managed as part of the measure management in DRSM DC for Competencies.
In DRSM DC for Competencies, dynamic competency diagrams are run as „spider diagrams“. If the competencies of an employee are known, you can check the extent to which the requirements for other roles are also met at the touch of a button.