The Company

Our team sees itself as a service provider to achieve the agreed objectives together with you in accepted and trusting cooperation. Profit orientation based on innovation and flexibility is the decisive quality feature of an organization.

DRSM GmbH provides you with the help to help yourself.

DRSM GmbH is your innovative IT-focused management consultancy with the following core competencies

  • Strategy management
  • Process management
  • Project management
  • Resource management
  • Risk management
  • Audit management
  • Competence management
  • Meeting management
  • Improvement management

We develop innovative software applications for this purpose and help you with your individual implementation.

In keeping with the times, we can both install server-based IT solutions on your premises as well as host your management systems in our cloud or in another cloud of your choosing.

We visualize targets and messages of companies and business processes.

PUQ®, Basic process management tool®, Quality-Cartoon® are trademarks of DRSM GmbH.

Process-oriented organization must be useful and beneficial.


Clear strategy | Transparent business processes | Target-oriented implementation
DRSM GmbH is committed to your long-term and measurable success based on

  • innovative corporate strategies
  • etarget group orientation of all internal and external business processes, and
  • high flexibility and openness within the corporate structure

The supreme principle is the clearly identifiable goal of a process as well as simple and robust process design. Competent, highly qualified consultants with up-to-date training and advanced communication systems are at your service to achieve this.


1991 Foundation as single entity by Dr. Thomas Starke in Chemnitz
1997 Start of our partnership with iGrafx®
1999  Start of the development of Quality Cartoons® and comics for in-house communication and training
2000 Foundation of Dr. Starke Managementsysteme® GmbH Chemnitz, having more than 20,000 customers, with “DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 A Light-Hearted Taster” comic
2002 Development of the PUQ® process library, Basic process management tool® for industrial use
2003 Enlargement of the business organization by two new executive shareholders
2004 Foundation of Dr. Starke Managementsysteme Austria GmbH in Wels as a subsidiary
2005 Start of QM in health care at doctor’s offices, pharmacies, care facilities, laboratories, and clinics
Development of PUQ® process libraries, Basic process management tool® for the health care sector iGrafx® Gold Business Partner
2006 iGrafx® Platin Solution Partner
2008 Dr. Starke Managementsystem Austria GmbH relocates from Wels to Vienna.
2009 Locations in Chemnitz, Heidelberg, and Vienna, all locations are certified
2013 Start of our own DASHBOARDCENTRAL product group
2015 Start of hosting and cloud computing in an external data center
2018 Successful recertification of all locations according to ISO 9001:2015




Market launch of DRSM DC 3.0 with the components ImprovementCentral, AuditCentral, ProjectCentral, and MeetingCentral

2020 Dr. Starke Managementsysteme GmbH and Dr. Starke Managementsysteme Austria GmbH become DRSM GmbH.

Mr. Burkhard Neuper, certified engineer, is appointed managing director of DRSM GmbH.

New office adress in Vienna: Hietzinger Kai 205e/21, Phone: +43 1 38 20020


Successful recertification of all locations according to ISO 9001:2015


Successful recertification according to ISO 9001:2015


Logo_iGrafx  iGrafx GmbH
 Dr. Johann-Heitzer-Straße 2
 D-85757 Karlsfeld
 Telefon: +49  81 31 31 75 100

  August Staudinger & Partner GmbH
Schulstraße 3
A-4523 Neuzeug
Tel.: +43 7259 32347

Logo_Soft-Consult  soft-CONSULT Dieter Raible
 Weyerbachstr. 10
 AT-4616 Weißkirchen
 Telefon: +43 699 14442941

 Logo_TIM  T!M Solutions GmbH
 Obere Domberggasse 7
 D-85354 Freising
 Telefon: +49 8161 9760 100

 Logo_ITSMPartner  ITSM Partner Consulting GmbH
 Seidlgasse 22/5
 AT-1030 Wien
 Telefon: +43 1 890 19 13-0

 Logo_Beuth-Verlag  Beuth Verlag GmbH
 Burggrafenstraße 6
 D-10787 Berlin
 Telefon: +49 30 2601 – 0

 Logo_SNV  Schweizerische Normen-Vereinigung
 Bürglistraße 29
 CH-8400 Winterthur
 Telefon: +41 52 224 54 54